Peperomia or Rat Ear for HFMD

On 28 Dec 2014, at 10:52 pm, joey *** <***> wrote:
(Not edited)
rat-earI read your blog regarding all those wonderful wild herbs growing freely in our garden.
My son contracted HFMD recently and it’s a dreadful experience for me.
He refuse to eat and drink for 2 days and i have no choice but i have to force him to drink through syringes.
Then my husband friend recomended this herb as she has also given it to her child due to the same virus infection.
I grind the leave and stem to extract the juice around 1 tablespoon. And after 3 hours he wants to eat !!!!
He can eat his favourite rice biscuit and drink his milk.
rat-ear2I was careful not to give it to him with other medication as i feared it may cause drug interaction.
I gave him a 1 tsp to test in case he has an allergy reaction towards this herb. After half hour there was no sign of allergies, i feed him the rest.


Read about Rat Ear (Pepper Elder, Ketumpang Air, Peperomia pellucida L.)

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