On 28 Dec 2014, at 10:52 pm, joey *** <***.joey@gmail.com> wrote: (Not edited) I read your blog regarding all those wonderful wild herbs growing freely in our garden.
My son contracted HFMD recently and it’s a dreadful experience for me.
He refuse to eat and drink for 2 days and i have no choice but i have to force him to drink through syringes.
Then my husband friend recomended this herb as she has also given it to her child due to the same virus infection.
I grind the leave and stem to extract the juice around 1 tablespoon. And after 3 hours he wants to eat !!!!
He can eat his favourite rice biscuit and drink his milk. I was careful not to give it to him with other medication as i feared it may cause drug interaction.
I gave him a 1 tsp to test in case he has an allergy reaction towards this herb. After half hour there was no sign of allergies, i feed him the rest.
White Kyllinga for Rheumatoid Arthritis – Update 17-Dec-2014
New trial using the whole plant complete with roots and rhizomes.
Date: 8-Dec-2014 to 12-Dec-2014 Method: Decoction of a fistful of whole plants complete with roots and rhizomes. Result: It appeared to be more effective than the earlier trial of infusion of the plant without roots.
I drank 4 cups daily (about 1-litre) of the decoction for 5 days.
I dug out a fistful of the whole plants and carefully washed away the dirt from the roots and rhizomes.
I placed the whole bunch in a stainless steel pot and added about 1.2 litres of freshly drawn filtered water.
The mixture was brought to a gentle boil and left to simmer on low flame for 20-30 minutes.
The decoction was then poured into a glass teapot and I drank 4 cups over the course of the day.
It eased the dull throbbing pain/irritation in my toes/foot somewhat; at least a bit more than my earlier trial using an infusion of the plant (without the roots).
Conclusion: A decoction of the whole White Kyllinga complete with roots and rhizomes appears to be able to provide some relief of my left foot’s dull throbbing pain.
However, as noted in my earlier trial as well, it is not as spectacular as I had hoped.
Disclaimer and caution:
The plant and dosage (a fistful) may not be appropriate for everyone.
This is not a scientific conclusive experiment but merely my first person testimony on its effect on me, for general information only.
You should seek your own physician’s advice and do your own research before attempting this.
Update 4-Dec-2014
The current wet spell gave rise to an abundant growth of the White Kyllinga weed in my garden. That prompted me to look deeper into this plant and to try it again for the persistent deep, dull throbbing rheumatoid arthritis pain in my feet. To learn the difference between infusion and decoction and How To Make Herbal Tea, click http://www.free2share.com/making-herbal-tea/
Bumper crop of White Kyllinga
To recap, here are the references on the medicinal uses of the White Kyllinga:
· Colds with fever; when taken internally, has a perspiring (sudorific) effect.
· Whooping cough, bronchitis, swelling pain in the throat.
· Malaria.
· Snake bites, furuncles, sprains: Apply poultice of pounded fresh leaves.
· Skin pruritus: Decoction may be used as an external wash.
· In India, used for dysentery – ten fresh tubers made into paste and consumed with rice; once daily for three days. https://www.flickr.com/photos/phuonglovejesus2782010/8309419980/
The problem with the literature and references above is that the preparation method is not clear. I decided to try an infusion of the whole plant, minus the roots.
Here is what I did:
1. I took a handful of the plant and cut off at the base (without roots).
Take a handful
2. Washed the plant thoroughly to remove surface dirt and dust.
3. Stuffed the bundle of washed plants in the strainer of my glass teapot.
Stuff into the strainer
4. Lightly boiled a litre of freshly drawn filtered water in a stainless steel kettle.
5. Poured the just boiled water over the plants in the strainer/teapot and cover, including the spout. This is to prevent any beneficial volatile oils from escaping.
Pour the hot boiled water and let it steep
6. After 20-30 minutes of steeping, the first cup was ready to drink.
7. I continued to let the remainder steep in the teapot and drank a total of 4 cups over the day.
The flavour is slightly minty and easy to drink.
After a week of this daily ritual, I can report that it did give some relief of the dull pain in my feet although not as spectacular as I had hoped.
Maybe I’ll try the whole plant including the roots next week. In that case, I’ll do a decoction instead of infusion, in order to extract the therapeutic value of the roots.
The White Kyllinga is a grass-like weed is known as a sedge of the Cyperaceae family. It is quite a tenacious weed that seems to grow in some unlikely places in your garden. It has a characteristic three-sided erect stem about 5-10 cm tall with three thin longish grass-like leaves. Atop this crown of three leaves sits the whitish flower ball. It is used to treat commoncolds, bronchitis, malaria, arthritis, joint pains and rheumatism. It is also used as a remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, stomach and intestinial problems.
I pull a bunch (about 5-6 stems) of the white kyllinga and add to 3 cups of boiling water. Leave on slow boil to reduce to about a single cup. The resulting tea is quite refreshing to drink. So far, it seems to give some relief for the pain in my feet.
A friend, Lee Soo Sin, introduced me to the Green Papaya with Green Tea remedy for my rheumatoid arthritis. I have been seeking a natural remedy for the nagging deep throbbing “pain” in my feet, especially the left foot. With the current stormy weather in my locale, it does not help matters at all. When the weather looked about to change, my feet get even more painful.
Rat Ear (Peperomia pellucida L.)
I have tried the Pineapple remedy and the Rat Ear (Peperomia pellucida L.) remedy which gave partial relief but not a complete “cure”. The Rat Ear is apparently a popular herb in the Philippines for rheumatoid arthritis. Unfortunately, after almost 2 weeks of drinking the Rat Ear tea, my problem still persists. So today I’m embarking on the Green Papaya with Green Tea remedy and will document my experience here.
Small Green Papaya
Day 1 ( 29-May-2014 ) I researched the recipe for the Green Papaya Green Tea remedy on the Internet, after discussing with Lee Soo Sin. Found it at http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/363878/
Cut into “Cubes”
1. Cut a green papaya (unripe papaya) into small cubes, with skin but remove the seeds.
2. Put a few cubes (25 grams ) in a pot of water and bring to boil.
3. Add green tea to the boiling water. The author used Oolong tea.
4. Filter off the papaya and tea leaves and drink the tea.
Pecah Beling Leaves
I used 4 cubes in 2 cups of water. After the water is boiling, add 7 dried leaves of Pecah Beling ( Strobilanthes crispus) as my green tea. Low boil and simmer for about 30 minutes to reduce to one cup. I used Pecah Beling because this is growing abundantly in my garden and it has antioxident properties. I drank it after my lunch. I drank the tea at 2.15pm and it’s now 3.15pm. The deep throbbing “pain” seems to have subsided although the feet still felt “tight”.
Day 2 ( 30-May-2014 )
Woke up this morning and I could get out of bed without the feet feeling leaden and no stabbing pain. I was quite excited to boil my second dose of Green Papaya-Green Tea, which I did after my breakfast. Again, 4 cubes of green papaya in 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and added 7 dried leaves of Pecah Beling as my green tea. I drank it this time before lunch with much hopeful anticipation. I was not disappointed. By late afternoon, the throbbing irritating pain had not returned. I had to press my foot to touch some spots where there was some remnant mild pain. Otherwise, I don’t even know the pain is there.
It’s now 9.30pm as I’m writing this. I can’t wait to drink my third dose tomorrow.
Day 3 ( 31-May-2014 )
Again, I got out of bed without much problem. My feet felt a bit more leaden than yesterday. But it should get better after I drink my third dose, I told myself. I repeated yesterday’s routine; boiled the tea after breakfast and drank it about an hour before lunch.
The deep dull throbbing pain did not return, but I could feel the pain in the joints of my toes when I tried to stand on my toes.
Maybe my expectation was too high, considering that the effect was understandably more pronounced the first day since the overall pain was more widespread and felt. Now that the remnant pain is only slight, any improvement would also be less noticeable.
Let us see what happens tomorrow.
Day 4 ( 1-June-2014 )
Repeated the tea boiling routine and drank my fourth dose just before lunch. It’s now more than 3 hours since I drank it and there seems to be some incremental improvement. It’s not as painful as yesterday when I stand on my toes. The remnant pain is in the joints of the big toe and the small last toe. More in the small toe of the left foot. The “pain” is more of a “feeling” than an actual physical pain. It’s hard to describe but I guess fellow sufferers will know what I mean.
So far, so good. I wonder if I’ll have any additional improvement tomorrow.
Day 5 ( 2-June-2014 )
The remnant “pain”, particularly in the left foot, remains more or less the same, which means to say that I don’t really notice it unless I think about it. That is quite good for me. Towards late evening, strangely the joint of my little finger on the right hand had a bit of irritating discomfort. Otherwise, I should say that the tea seems to be maintaining a good level of comfort for me.
Day 6 ( 3-June-2014 )
The tea seems to be maintaining my comfort level. That suits me fine.
Day 7 ( 4-June-2014 )
When I woke up this morning, I felt the feet somewhat leaden. However, it loosened up after I had walked around a bit. I drank my 7th dose at about 11.00am.
Day 8-13 (5-9 June-2014)
I drink a cup a day just to maintain the level of comfort. The pain/discomfort does not disappear completely but it seems to have settled to a reasonably tolerable level, where I don’t really notice it unless I think about it.
A popular non-herbal natural remedy comes from a class of food supplement called Probiotics.
Most of us are familiar with probiotics in the form of Yoghurt and Kefir. What exactly are Probiotics?
Prebiotics are nondigestible carbohydrates that act as food for probiotics. When probiotics and prebiotics are combined, they form a synbiotic. Fermented dairy products, such as yogurt and kefir, are considered synbiotic because they contain live bacteria and the fuel they need to thrive.
Probiotics are found in foods such as yogurt, while prebiotics are found in whole grains, bananas, onions, garlic, honey and artichokes. In addition, probiotics and prebiotics are added to some foods and available as dietary supplements.
Although more research is needed, there’s encouraging evidence that probiotics may help:
Treat diarrhea, especially following treatment with certain antibiotics
Prevent and treat vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract infections
Treat irritable bowel syndrome
Reduce bladder cancer recurrence
Speed treatment of certain intestinal infections
Prevent and treat eczema in children
Prevent or reduce the severity of colds and flu
-end of quote-
So tell us…do you take Yoghurt or Kefir regularly? How does it help you personally?
This must be one of the most common ailments and with one of the most well-known natural remedies. Here it is anyway my first person testimony that it works….prunes and prune juice.
That’s it. Just eat lots of prunes and drink lots of prune juice and you’ll be running to the toilet before too long.
A friend just forwarded an e-mail with the following natural remedy for flu (note: Original author please contact me so that I can credit you for the article).
A fast non-drug remedy for flu:
Before onset of flu, and while experiencing pre-flu symptoms like headache, running nose & sneezing, drink 2 to 3 cups of hot water. Wait for 3 to 5 minutes, then drink a cup of hot coffee. You would want to urinate in 2 to 3 minutes. Surprisingly after that, all flu symptoms will disappear. Coffee is a diuretic. It removes water from the body, and in the process, flushes out all the virus trapped inside the body.
If anyone has tried this and found that it works, please…let’s hear from you!